Letter – Ham’s demise was predictable

Published 5:56 pm Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Editor, The Smithfield Times:

Just heard about there being no more Smithfield hams. What a shame. 

I’m 68 and we always had one every year. Two years ago my father, age 90, said he just found one. Daddy always had a Smithfield ham growing up each Christmas. My great-aunt from Hampton always had a small one. That great-aunt liked to save things. When she passed we found a Smithfield ham, long forgotten, safe in her hiding place. Hard as a rock after being guarded all those years.

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Did all you people who said “everything will be just fine” when that Chinese company bought out Smithfield not realize this would happen? I just can not understand how people who have eyes and ears cannot see or hear .


Betsy Justis

Virginia Beach