Letter –   Warehouses are big deal

Published 7:29 pm Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Editor, The Smithfield Times:

My husband and I live in Windsor and are opposed to the proposed Tidewater Logistics Center on the outskirts of town. 

Much has been said about this project here, at community forums, the Planning Commission, and Board of Supervisor meetings. Contrary to some comments comparing those in opposition as “a few residents pushing DEI,” a “small group pushing a special agenda, a handful”, “Windsor doesn’t pay its fair share” and “a few more trucks through Windsor would be no big deal,” we have legitimate concerns which will dramatically impact all residents of our town — and it is a big deal.

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It appears a great deal regarding this project has been shrouded in secrecy, or at the very least, less than transparent to those directly impacted. The safety aspects regarding the traffic pattern, noise concerns, air quality, declining property values, negligible tax benefits to the town and uncertain tax revenue to the county are a very big deal.

Every community in Isle of Wight has its own unique characteristics. We chose to live in Windsor over other communities because of what it offered our family. Perhaps it was the atmosphere of a small town, a slower pace of life that’s hard to find these days or the ability to afford a nicer home and permanently plant our dreams and thrive. Whatever the reason, to our family and many others, it is a big deal.

At the recent Board of Supervisors meeting, all proponents of this project stated their residence and none resided in Windsor. That said volumes. I doubt any of those individuals wish to live next to this project. 

We know warehouses are coming, but this project shouldn’t be built feet from an established neighborhood, impacting an already busy highway through the middle of town. We recognized the nature of Route 460 traffic when we moved here 20 years ago. Whereas we cannot control all traffic, rejection of this project would alleviate the addition of the estimated 270 trucks per day and other related traffic associated with this 24-hour-a-day operation through our town, and that is a big deal.

I strongly encourage the citizens of Windsor to speak out and contact the Board of Supervisors and let them know your opinion on the future direction of our community because it should be a big deal to every citizen.


Dawn Darden
