Latest Dispatches from Wharf Hill

dispatches from wharf hill


Column – At least one safe space from national politics 

The attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump over the weekend makes easy a decision I’ve been contemplating ...


Column – To accept $6M or not: a question with lots of nuance

Even in our current world of absolutes, with little room allowed to ponder shades of gray, the following ...

dispatches from wharf hill


Column – Trust on Town Council broken long before ‘leak’

Amid their outrage over the “leak” that wasn’t, three Smithfield Town Council members lamented broken trust within the ...

dispatches from wharf hill


Column – The Suffolk model: one to be envied or avoided?

Isle of Wight in 2024 feels a lot like Suffolk in 1974 — at a crossroads, a choice ...


Column – Litter warriors pick up after the knuckleheads

Keep America Beautiful reports that significant progress has been made in reducing litter on U.S. roadsides since 2010. ...

dispatches from wharf hill


Column – Intimidation tactics have no place in civic discourse

Smithfield’s leadership class struck me as oddly desperate last fall as the controversial Grange at 10Main floundered in ...


Column – Antiquer’s timely find has a distinct Smithfield flavor

Only one with Smithfield bonafides can appreciate Gary Stanley’s find last year at a Harrisonburg antique shop. Stanley, ...

dispatches from wharf hill


Column – Jenkinson bringing Mr. Jefferson to Smithfield this spring

A celebrity is coming to Smithfield, courtesy of the Isle of Wight County Historical Society. Best to grab ...

dispatches from wharf hill


Column – Short Rows, always a ‘must read,’ has a forever home

Isle of Wight County is blessed to have a few walking, talking encyclopedias of local history and institutional ...


Column – Longshot made the most of his chance

Need some inspiration for 2024? Settle in for the story of Dante Wright. Like many success stories, Wright’s ...

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