Latest Dispatches from Wharf Hill

dispatches from wharf hill


Column – Intimidation tactics have no place in civic discourse

Smithfield’s leadership class struck me as oddly desperate last fall as the controversial Grange at 10Main floundered in ...


Column – Antiquer’s timely find has a distinct Smithfield flavor

Only one with Smithfield bonafides can appreciate Gary Stanley’s find last year at a Harrisonburg antique shop. Stanley, ...

dispatches from wharf hill


Column – Jenkinson bringing Mr. Jefferson to Smithfield this spring

A celebrity is coming to Smithfield, courtesy of the Isle of Wight County Historical Society. Best to grab ...

dispatches from wharf hill


Column – Short Rows, always a ‘must read,’ has a forever home

Isle of Wight County is blessed to have a few walking, talking encyclopedias of local history and institutional ...


Column – Longshot made the most of his chance

Need some inspiration for 2024? Settle in for the story of Dante Wright. Like many success stories, Wright’s ...

dispatches from wharf hill


Column – Heed lessons of Grange’s demise

Joe Luter IV’s withdrawal of his zoning application for an ambitious mixed-use development on the western edge of ...


Column – Nearly four decades later, the Edwards family plays on

Pardon Steve Edwards for feeling a little nostalgic this week. When his Pasture #3 band from Mill Swamp ...

dispatches from wharf hill


Column – RIP, Lucy, who made her splash in Smithfield  

Impressive, isn’t it, how our pets, most of them very small creatures, occupy such big parts of our ...

dispatches from wharf hill


Column – Luters learning that times have changed

Joe Luter III’s impatience is understandable for one of his generation. The legendary Smithfield Foods chairman ran his ...

dispatches from wharf hill


Column – Win the base at what cost?

Editor’s note: State Del. Emily Brewer, in a telephone interview on Wednesday, April 26, said she supports an ...

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