Letters to the editor – July 26th, 2017

Enjoy life’s ride

Editor, Smithfield Times
Hey, all you angry people out there. Listen up. Why are you so mad?

Because someone set your house on fire, a drunk driver killed your child, someone stole your credit card? These are things that could happen before the day is over and I would be mad also. However, if you get through the day and nothing horrible happens to you, then you should be grateful. If you get out of bed in the morning and your life is going pretty good, why is it that when you get in your vehicle, you turn into a road hog and everyone needs to get the hell out of your way? You blow your horn when the vehicle in front of you is not going fast enough and, to make your point, you pass the vehicle, cut them off and flip them off. Then they pull up beside you at the red light. You think Road Rage is OK, but your blood pressure would probably appreciate it if you would turn on your favorite music and enjoy the beautiful day.

You have no patience or respect for anyone. I am a senior citizen, and guess what, someday you will be a senior too, if you are blessed and don’t kill yourself or someone else on the road because you can’t get there fast enough. Find some stillness in your life. Calm down. Why not just chill and enjoy the ride?

The ride through life is very short!

Carolyn Lyons

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