Letters to the editor – November 22nd, 2017
IW shouldn’t fund inspection
Editor, Smithfield Times
I attended the civic organization meeting where Supervisor McCarty suggested the trustees of the Rescue Community Building have a comprehensive inspection performed at his expense. This was reported by the paper. At the latest Board of Supervisors meeting, a citizen suggested the inspection be funded at taxpayer expense. The County Administrator offered county employees to perform inspections. As he further stated, these would not be certified inspections.
Either of these options would create an expense to taxpayers. This is unnecessary and sets a bad precedent. Should the taxpayers pay for all future inspections for other organizations, businesses, and individuals?
Municipalities set fees for building and use permits. These are set to offset costs for reviews and inspections and prevent an undue burden on all of the citizens.
Any citizen or group can offer to privately fund such a venture. As seen in the recent Pierceville property, these individual efforts often fall short and return to requests for taxpayer funding.
While not having a recent complete inspection performed, the trustees have received estimates for some of the larger repairs. These estimates already represent a significant percentage of the building value.
A complete inspection will include more large ticket items such as major structural repairs and trigger the requirement for ADA upgrades. ADA requirements cannot be bypassed or exempted by local authorities.
In my opinion, the trustees have performed their due diligence. While it often more palatable to save any historic structure, economic constraints sometimes outweigh these desires.
Richard Gillerlain
Thanks to supporters
Editor, Smithfield Times
I want to thank the citizens of the Hardy District for your support and encouragement on Nov. 7. I appreciate the many phone calls, personal commitments and the outcry to do what is right for Isle of Wight County and especially the Hardy District. I would be remiss if I do not acknowledge the great turnout of the citizens to cast their vote to confirm their leadership preference in this county.
I want to thank the youth for getting involved in the process and encouraging many others to participate in the selection process. Thanks to the many pastors that afforded the opportunity to connect with county citizens concerning Isle of Wight County Governmental Concerns. Your affirmation for me to continue to serve this county stabilizes my ability and willingness to continue to serve this county to the best of my ability. To the many external poll workers, campaign workers, and media personal, transport agencies, etc., “Thank You.”
Please attend the Board of Supervisors meetings and the town hall meetings to inform the county of your concerns and to be informed about the status of Isle of Wight County plans to keep us moving forward. Happy Holidays.
Rudolph Jefferson
Hardy District